a:8:{s:10:”first-name”;s:8:”Lorraine”;s:9:”last-name”;s:7:”McNally”;s:9:”email-963″;s:19:”mcainey53@gmail.com”;s:5:”phone”;s:37:”(Home)519-942-4815/(Cell)647-268-2797″;s:7:”Company”;s:0:””;s:15:”message-subject”;s:46:”Hobbyist’s Extensive Metal Machinery Workshop”;s:12:”textarea-173″;s:286:”My late husband had an extensive workshop consisting of lathes, grinders, etc. (approx. 1800 sq. feet) in the basement of our home.

Is this the type of machines, tools, etc. that you would have an interest in?

I live about 5 mins. from the intersection of Airport Rd. & Hwy 9. “;s:11:”captcha-170″;s:4:”GMUJ”;}