a:8:{s:10:”first-name”;s:6:”Angelo”;s:9:”last-name”;s:5:”Saris”;s:9:”email-963″;s:31:”angelo.saris@cash-dashboard.com”;s:5:”phone”;s:10:”2138672164″;s:7:”Company”;s:18:”cash-dashboard.com”;s:15:”message-subject”;s:36:”Something You Might Find Interesting”;s:12:”textarea-173″;s:972:”Hi,

I have a worrying statistic for you. It comes from a recent survey by Morningstar — here goes: 98% of Americans have at least one financial bias that’s costing them.

From wanting immediate gratification to being overconfident to being too fearful of financial losses, these and other biases are making it hard for us to live financially healthy (and happy!) lives.

I’d like to help people change their money mindsets so that they can have better success in life. Would you be open to posting an article from me on that topic on your website?

Kind regards,
Angelo Saris

Reference: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/14/98-percent-of-americans-have-at-least-1-money-bias-study.html

P.S. I’m very much open to your topic ideas, and if you’d like to request one that’s a higher priority for you. However, I’d also understand if you don’t want to receive any further emails from me. Please let me know if that’s the case.”;s:11:”captcha-170″;s:4:”BFZP”;}